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The goal of Calvary Tabernacle Accident Campus is to be an Apostolic Church in Principle, Practice, and Power.
While connecting everyone to Jesus Christ through Worship, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Fellowship.


Meet the Pastor.


Pastor Pascal Crites

    From an early age, Pastor Crites felt the call of God on his life. As a young teenager he began speaking at youth camps and various youth events. His first memories of church were at Pastor Shockey's church on Homer St. in  Cumberland, MD. This is where his grandmother, Paulette Athey, began taking him to church, and where he received the Holy Ghost at the age of eleven. Then he transferred to Bonnieview Chapel, and was under the Pastorate of Bishop Daniel Garlitz.

     In 1998, Pascal married, Becky, his best friend and  partner in the ministry. During the early years of their marriage they worked at the local church under Pastor Garlitz in various capacities; as well as evangelizing throughout the region. Bro.Crites was licensed with the United Pentecostal Church International. During this time Becky was in College and graduated as an RN. They continued to work at Bonnieview Ministries as Youth Pastors, Sunday School Teachers and Outreach Directors. Bro. Crites was also on the Prison Ministry and nursing home ministry teams.

    In 2003, they moved south to Charleston, West Virginia where they supported, and helped Pastor Anthony Moss at North Charleston Apostolic Church. Soon after,  Becky became pregnant with their first child, and they felt God was directing them back to Keyser. In 2004, what would be their greatest blessing was born, Elijah Pascal Crites. 

      After returning home they resumed various responsibilities including Youth Pastor at Bonnieview Ministries. During this time they also began serving the West Virginia District as Youth Secretary and then later Youth President. The evangelistic field also kept them busy, often times traveling on the weekends while working  a secular job during the week. Summer of 2007, two weeks before Youth Camp their second miracle, Nathaniel Judah Crites, was born.

       May 22nd, 2013, opened a new chapter in the Crites life and ministry. On this night they were elected as the Pastor at Calvary Tabernacle in Accident , MD. They have seen great revival of new souls and prodigals returning home in Garrett county and the surrounding region. 

In 2017 the Crites family was overjoyed by the addition of their littlest miracle, Isaiah Benjamin. They also faced severe sickness when Bro Crites was critically ill with a brain abscess....but God! 

In 2018 Calvary Tabernacle Ministries launched a daughterwork in LaVale, MD and Pastor Crites was also elected Pastor of the Apostolics of Oakland. There has continued to be a great harvest in the area and God isnt finished! Pastor Crites and family continues to minister in other churches and even had the opportunity to minister in the UK and are anxious to return when they can. During the COVID pandemic they continued to minister locally and across other states and countries via technology. The Gospel will not be stopped! 

    Pascal, Becky, Elijah, Nathaniel and Isaiah cordially invite you to join them at a Calvary Tabernacle Ministries Campus to experience Jesus in a fresh way and let Him transform your life!

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